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Helping Young Adults Embrace Transformation

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About Me

This is the owner Terrence

Terrence Williams, a visionary understanding the significance of personal transformation and the ability to shape one's own destiny. From a young age of 13, he displayed an innate interest in computers.

Driven by thirst for knowledge, Terrence pursued higher education at Xavier University, obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems and has served as a Desktop Support Specialist for 20 years. He furthered his academic pursuits by graduating from Liberty University with a Master of Arts degree.


Following Hurricane Katrina, Terrence found new opportunities by relocating to Houston, Texas, where he continued his relentless pursuit of professional growth in technology and business. Displaying remarkable adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity, he transformed challenges into steppingstones for personal development and positive change.


Currently, Terrence resides in the city of Austin, Texas, serving as a supervisor in Technology Resources at the University of Texas at Austin. In addition to his role at the university, Terrence serves communities of Houston and Austin as Chief Operating Officer for BreakFree Release International, where he spearheads the organization's mission to unlock the full potential of countless individuals, assisting them in forging their desired destinies.


He is also an accomplished author, having authored the book "It Had To Happen: Life's Lessons Learned." Currently, he’s working on his second project, "So...It Happened: The Road to Healing,"


Terrence embodies the spirit of transformation and destiny creation, utilizing his expertise in technology, leadership, and personal development to catalyze positive change in the lives of many.

Our message is designed to empower individuals to grab hold of transformation and take control of their lives.

Participants are guided on a transformative journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment.


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My Book

"It Had To Happen: Life's Lessons Learned" is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that explores the lessons we learn through life's struggles and triumphs. Written by a skilled author with a wealth of personal experience, Terrence Williams offers a unique and relatable perspective on the challenges and opportunities that life presents.


From the moment you pick up "It Had To Happen," you'll be drawn into a world of self-discovery, growth, and resilience. The book covers a wide range of powerful topics, including:


It Had To Happen book



  • The realization that sometimes, things just have to happen in order for us to grow and learn

  • The importance of building healthy relationships and surrounding ourselves with supportive people

  • The power of failure and how to turn it into a learning opportunity

  • The transformative power of a makeover, whether it's physical or emotional

Whether you're facing difficult decisions, struggling to find your way, or simply looking for inspiration and guidance, "It Had To Happen" is the book you need. With its relatable stories and powerful insights, it will help you navigate the ups and downs of life and emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side.

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Speaking Topics

This is explaining the embrace of transformation

It Had To Happen: Embracing Transformation and Creating a Destiny

It Had To Happen: Embracing Transformation, Creating Your Own Destiny" is an expert-led program designed to help college students embrace adulting and take control of their lives. With a profound understanding of the book's principles, participants are guided on a transformative journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment. Join in the "It Had To Happen: Embracing Transformation, Creating Your Own Destiny" program and receive guidance towards a life of empowerment and self-realization.

This explains the move from food stamps to fortune

From Food Stamps to Fortune: Unleashing Your Potential for Financial Success

In this captivating talk, based on the inspiring book "It Had To Happen," we will explore a powerful journey regarding financial potential and success starting from relying on food stamps to achieving remarkable financial success. We share personal experiences and insights from the book, and taking the audience through the transformative stages of my life.



The reach for grace

The Grace Factor: Unlocking the Power of Grace for Personal Transformation

In this thought-provoking talk, we explore the transformative concept of "The Grace Factor" and its profound impact on personal growth and transformation. Grace, often seen as a divine gift, holds the potential to unleash our inner strength, resilience, and potential for greatness.


During this presentation, we focus on the essence of grace and its role in our lives. Through real-life stories and practical insights, we will explore how grace can enable us to overcome challenges, embrace change, and discover our true purpose.


Drawing from personal experiences and universal wisdom, this talk explores the elements that contribute to activating "The Grace Factor." Attendees will gain valuable insights on cultivating gratitude, self-compassion, and forgiveness, which are essential components of grace.


By the end of this talk, attendees will be inspired to tap into their own grace, unleashing their hidden potential and embracing personal transformation. Attendees will leave equipped with some practical tools to infuse grace into their daily lives, fostering resilience, growth, and a deep sense of fulfillment.

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